Apology for Success

We have a culture of contrition for success. We make excuses for positive qualities we're born with, downplaying them. We are embarrassed by accomplishments, attributing to luck or privilege what we achieve through the sweat of our own effort.

We have relapsed into the culture prevelant in the Middle Ages, only instead of attributing all things to a god, it is to the society in which we live, and we are merely the lottery of the macroculture's aggregate output.

It was stuffing then. It is no less so now.

Better Than Not

So glad I wrote the above. Mostly, I write while I'm depressed. It's not often that I write when I'm "up." Going only by my writings, one might think I was never happy.

Fact is, I have far more to be happy about than not. I've made mistakes, and I have regrets, but those are far outstripped by the great people in my life, the wonderful events and accomplishments, and my own positive traits.

I have it good. Even better: I'm good.

Remember This

I didn't think there would ever be times like this. I'm so happy that I can't contain all of the emotion! I'm so happy that I feel pity for the state I was in when I "knew" this would never be.

I need to remember this. Always.

Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive

There are a great many reasons to worry and fret in this life, but fortunately, there are also a myriad of reasons to be grateful.

It is easy to get caught up in the negatives, because by their nature, they cause us difficulty and discomfort, and that's what makes us want to remove them, correct them. We do not thrive on negative thinking though, so allowing those flies in our ointment to dominate our focus will prevent us from progressing and succeeding.